
Old Testament IV: Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1–2 Samuel is unavailable, but you can change that!

Among the most important sources for commentary on these books are the homilies of Origen, most of which are known to us through the Latin translations of Rufinus and Jerome. Only two running commentaries exist—one from Gregory of Nazianzus, one of the famous Cappadocian theologians, the other from Bede the Venerable. Another key source for the selections found here derives from...

Jabin means “discernment.” They who trust in their own wisdom and not in the glory of God rot on the ground like dung. They who were glorying in their army, whose king was the Assyrian, and who used to boast “I will scale the heavens,”12 not only fell down to earth but on the ground became dung. HOMILIES ON THE PSALMS 15 (Ps 82).13 AMBROSE: And in order that it may not seem as if only one widow had fulfilled this inimitable work, it seems in no way doubtful that there
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